Monday, July 2, 2018

Kindness, Joy and Connection

“Joy is prayer; joy is strength; joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”
~ Mother Teresa

A mom I know was on vacation and in her hotel room with her two children when the housekeeper knocked on the door.  The mother answered the door and before she could say anything, the housekeeper said, “I speak very little English – I speak French.”  The mother dusted off her college French and told the housekeeper that she could speak a little French.  The housekeeper gave her a huge smile and a double high five. They spoke in French as they changed out the towels and emptied the trash cans.  The housekeeper shared that she had come from West Africa just a few months before with her four children.  She showed the other mother photos of her children and her husband, who had arrived in the U.S. several years earlier.  The mother introduced her two children to the housekeeper and the children greeted the housekeeper in French.  Before she left, the housekeeper double high-fived the mom again and they shared a hug.  The mom thought it was a great start to her day and I imagine the housekeeper did, too.