Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tears, Kindness and Blessings

"Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and anxieties.  Remind yourself of all your many blessings."
~ Ralph Marston

By mid-morning on a recent Monday, it had already been a pretty bad day.  Not in any kind of a permanent life-altering way, just on the inconvenience front.  The tile in my home had to be completely ripped up -- had to be, not a choice.  So the guys arrived to do that.  They finished clearing out my living room (sofas outside), put up plastic sheeting and began chipping away.  The noise was amazing, drawing a neighbor and community manager to my door.  I was trying to work...  Just a crazy scenario.  And I will confess that tears were shed despite my remembering and continuing to repeat to myself, "it's just an inconvenience."

Tuesday rolled around and regular life tried to march on.  The life that includes sweet and thoughtful children who want to get their school projects done even though parts of our house are inaccessible, closed off by plastic sheeting.  One of these school projects involved my son's raising money for the American Heart Association.  He wanted us to donate online, so I finally did before taking him to school on Tuesday morning.  The website asked if I wanted to post something on my Facebook page, which I rarely use, but I thought "why not," clicked the box and did not think much of it.  I figured perhaps a couple of my friends might make small donations toward my son's goal.  Less than two hours later, I received an e-mail that one of my dearest friends had given a generous gift that took my son to his fundraising goal.  And this from a friend who had spent the last few days in the hospital.  I found myself teary for the second day in a row -- only this time they weren't tears triggered by frustration and overwhelm, but rather by the blessing of friendship and generosity.  And there, when I least expected it, was a reminder of the things that truly matter and how very blessed I am.

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