Saturday, June 29, 2013

Keep Paying It Forward

“Be kind. Always if you have a choice, be kind.”
― Anne Rice

Anne Rice's advice bears repeating.  Every day, I am amazed at the choices we have and how frequently the choice to be kind -- or not -- is before us.

Yesterday, I was in a building elevator and an older gentleman with a Visitor's Pass stepped in.  I asked him to what floor he was going and pressed the number for him.  When he stepped out of the elevator, I saw him looking around trying to figure out where he should go.  In my mind, I thought, "Should I ...?"  Just as the elevator doors were closing, I stuck my hand between them to pause the elevator, and I asked him where he was going.  He told me and I pointed him in the right direction.  I told him to "have a good day" and with a big smile, he responded "have a better one."  I can't imagine that it took more than a minute to pay forward what I am constantly receiving.

A few hours later, I received extraordinary kindness from an employee at a home improvement store, who went out of his way to show me where I could find what I was trying to buy.  When I mentioned in passing that something I had purchased at the store was not what I initially thought, this employee asked me if I minded his sharing that with the manager.  The employee's "kindness" resulted in my getting a completely unasked-for credit.  Not surprisingly, this employee put my purchases in a cart, walked me to my car and then unloaded them.  When I asked if I could tip him, he said no.

In the last few days alone, I have experienced incredible acts of kindness.  Some of them even seemed heaven sent.  I am grateful for them, and just keep trying to pay it forward.

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