Monday, June 24, 2013

Please, Pass the Compliments ...

"What a nicer, happier world it would be if more of us told each other nice things more often!"
― Letitia Baldrige, The New Manners for the '90s

“Sincere compliments cost nothing and can accomplish so much.  In ANY relationship, they are the applause that refreshes.”
  Steve Goodier, Prescription for Peace: Sixty-Second Readings to Help You Build a Better Life

Another way to be kind:  Sharing compliments.  Years ago, I decided that I would say nice things to people instead of just thinking them and I would also try to pass along compliments when I heard them.  So whenever I hear something nice about someone (on the personal or professional front), I tell that someone. 

For example, I heard a speaker, in accepting an award at an event, thank two people we both knew and identify them as his mentors.  But neither one of these people was at the event.  So I passed along the compliments to both of them, who were not only very appreciative, but made a point to thank the speaker for his thoughtfulness.  Good feelings all around.

A week and a half ago, a good friend of mine was not able to join a group of us for a celebratory lunch.  But on the way home with another friend, this woman's name came up and nice things were said about her.  I sent the friend who was spoken about a text telling her that her ears should have been ringing and I shared the compliment.  The woman I texted happens to be one of the sweetest people I know.  Not surprisingly, she doesn't gossip and is amazing at keeping confidences. 

I found it interesting yesterday when I received this message from her about my post on gossip:  "I have been trying hard not to gossip.  Funny how we teach our children one thing and then we do another.  Well, teaching by example is a better option!" 

My friend then shared that during Mass, she had seen a man whom she knew and she leaned over to her husband and said, "Remind me later to tell you about him."  Her very clever husband, who had also heard about the gossip post, said, "This isn't gossip, is it?"  To which my friend proudly replied, "No.  He is a really nice guy and I wondered if you knew him."

For most of us, there is always room for improvement on the gossip front.  Let's instead, pass the compliments.

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