Monday, June 17, 2013

The Magic of Kindness: Inspiration and Encouragement

Kindness has so many facets to it...  Inspiration and encouragement, slightly different, but related, are among them.

My friends Meg and Nickelle have been great sources of inspiration for me.  I am pretty sure that I would not have begun this blog without their examples as inspiration, which encouraged me, too.  Please check out their blogs at: and

Encouragement is a powerful way to be kind.  I have certainly been the recipient of many kindnesses manifested as encouragement along my various journeys.  Just a couple of days ago, another friend who constantly inspires and encourages me wrote me a thoughtful e-mail:  "Don't let anyone discourage what you have planned.  REMEMBER... He may be sending you out to change someone's life around!"  How is that for a gift of kindness?  (Thank you, Aurora.)
On Saturday night at the event I mentioned in a prior post, I heard a young man, still a teenager, talk about his journey crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child of 12.  As I listened, I was amazed at his courage not only for what he had endured years before, but also for speaking to a room full of people about something that was so difficult.  After he spoke, I thanked him for sharing his story.  He said that he didn't think that he had done a good job speaking... the same thing most of us think when we have that common thread of insecurity.  When we said our goodbyes, I looked him in the eye and told him again that he had done a great job.  A small kindness, but the type of encouragement that has frequently helped me.

A few days earlier, after a birthday lunch with a group of girlfriends, one of them, a very successful professional in her late 40s, asked me, "Do you know who my best friend is?" I had a couple of guesses at the ready, but before I said anything, she said: "My mother."  I was surprised and asked her why.  She said that her mother always supports her and shared an example of her mother believing in her when others didn't.  We joked that we all need someone who thinks we are "the bomb."  And isn't that what we are called to do?  Certainly as parents, we are called to love our children, to give them that encouragement and inspiration as they go on their own journeys. 

When I began this adventure in kindness, I thought of kindness almost as a luxury, a little extra thing to do, optional even. But as I go, I am realizing how important it is to be kind and how very powerful it can be.  Inspiration and encouragement can lift our spirits and help us soar.  Like sprinkling a little fairy dust on our dreams.  Magic.

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