Friday, June 28, 2013

Kindness and a Cold One

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
- Aesop

One of the simple and easy ways that my children and I practice kindness is by returning stray grocery carts in the parking lot to the cart collection area.  For whatever reason, in this particular lot, the carts are frequently left in the middle of empty parking spaces, which are pretty hard to find.  A cart in the way is another challenge to parking.

Our corralling the carts started the first week of our kindness project.  It is something that we frequently do when we are in that lot.  Depending on how much time we have, we return just one cart or we may retrieve carts for a while. 

Earlier this week, there seemed to be an unusually high number of carts in the parking lot and we had some time, so we decided to spend a few minutes doing it.  As we were returning the carts, a friend and one of her children were coming out of the store with their groceries.  We offered to return their cart once they were done unloading.  But before we could get to their cart, the son returned theirs.  A few minutes later, as we were returning the last carts, we saw a box -- of beer!  -- in a cart and suspected that it might belong to our friends.  I called my friend and she drove back.  "You saved the day -- what an act of kindness!" she exclaimed as we put the box in their car.  Not that she is a beer drinker, but she does have a son home from college who was looking forward to a cold one.


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