Thursday, June 20, 2013

Make Someone's Day

"Go Ahead ... Make My Day"
Made famous by Clint Eastwood (originally by Mack Pierce)

The phrase that we associate with Clint Eastwood was a line his character used in the 1983 movie Sudden Impact and was written by Charles B. Pierce, an independent filmmaker.  It originally came from Pierce's father Mack, who used to tell him when he was young, "Just let me come home one more day, without you mowing that lawn, son just go ahead ... make my day."

There are so many small ways to make someone's day.  (No lethal weapons involved.)

A dear friend from college who lives in New Jersey and works for a big corporation wrote yesterday:  "I found $10 today on the floor in my office.  I went around to the folks sitting in cubes and asked if anyone lost $10 and I found the person who did!  She was very happy.  I could have just stuck it in my pocket but it seemed like a lot of money and it didn’t feel right.  The person who lost it said 'you made my day.'"

Another good friend, a very-happy-go-lucky person, shared that on a day when she was feeling unusually "blah," she saw an older woman at the drugstore, who was wearing black leggings, a sequenced top and sandals with a big yellow hibiscus.  It caught my friend's attention that the woman had gotten really dressed up to go to the drugstore, so my friend decided to talk with her.

"I actually went up to the lady and told her how elegant she was," my friend said.  "Well, that made my day... because the lady's face lit up like a baseball stadium ... and she went on to explain to me why she had chosen her outfit.  At that point, I realized that when you make someone's day, in return they make yours.  Kindness has a way of bouncing back toward you."

Go ahead ... make someone's day.

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