Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Kindness of Community

"We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection."
Brené Brown

There is something special about community that helps us along life's journey.  While we initially may come together around a shared interest or affiliation, when we connect with others and understand how much we are alike, it is that bond of being human that kindles closeness and that allows us to be our best -- and kindest -- selves.

Last night, a group of us who had completed a religious retreat a couple of months ago gathered.  We updated each other on our lives, we sought solace in the advice of others, we found joy in being together.  At the end of the evening, we stood together to pray, young women and not so young, pregnant and way past that possibility, single, married and widowed.  We held hands in a circle on a deck overlooking the beach, with a spectacular moon reflecting on the dark water and a gentle tropical breeze across our faces.  We prayed for our own intentions, we prayed for our family and friends ...  From different backgrounds and with varied life experiences, we found powerful connection in sharing our deepest wishes and fears.  The differences and the details of our lives seemed to disappear as we marveled at the almost full moon shining brightly over the pitch-black ocean.  We were awestruck by the beauty of the evening and the beauty of our gathering.  Whether we had burdens and needed comfort, or whether we wanted to celebrate with others, I believe we all left feeling supported and uplifted, buoyed by the kindness of each other. 

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