Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Chain of Kindness

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.  It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results."
― Wade Boggs

Earlier today, I e-mailed a colleague to inquire about our friend Mike.  He e-mailed me back to ask for my number, and then called me.  He filled me in on how Mike was doing -- he is still in Intensive Care, but his sense of humor and kindness are intact.  After I hung up with this colleague, I realized that I had gotten to know Mike through him.  This other colleague had called to walk me through some reports and then told me about an interesting project that Mike had worked on, and so I got to know Mike.

It occurred to me that kindness is such a chain...  One colleague generously reached out to me, he connected me to Mike, Mike shared many kindnesses with me, then Mike has an accident and everyone who knows him is thinking about him, praying for him, trying to figure out how to help and being kind to each other in the process... 

A month ago, Mike wrote this about kindness:  "It seems to be a lost art that has been discouraged by a business mentality and looking out for number one. It seems to be surviving barely among other endangered species such as subtlety and reverie. I do aspire to do something kind in this lifetime."

Mike has done so many kind things and generated a chain of kindness that has touched many people, who now are keeping him in thoughts and prayers.

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