Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kindness in Traffic

"The best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love."
William Wordsworth

If there is one place where our capacity for kindness is constantly tested, it's traffic.  Where I live, school is back in session and that has made for some pretty gnarly traffic situations.  This morning, I was not surprised to hear on the radio that the city where I live is among the top 10 worst cities in the U.S. for drivers, according to a study just released by Allstate.

Sometimes we are tense in traffic because we are in a hurry, but sometimes, it seems that we are just bothered by what other people are trying to "get" -- cutting in front of us, getting ahead, being unfair...  At some point in my life, probably when I got beyond thinking that people who drove fast were "cool," I decided that the way people drive says something about them.

Today, I saw a middle-aged guy in a black, late-model Audi.  He was talked very animatedly on the phone, well-dressed as far as I could tell.  He looked busy, a Type A -- a lawyer, I figured.   Just those quick, and thankfully unimportant, assumptions that we make as we drive.  Then, I saw him let a car go in front of him.  Kind, I thought.  And then, he let a second car in front.  Kinder.  In seconds and without knowing anything about this person, my perception of him changed -- just based on his kindness in traffic.

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