Monday, August 5, 2013

The Kindness of Remembering

"A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses."
 Chinese proverb

There is a kindness about remembering things that are important to the important people in your life.  Some people are very good at this, my mother, among them.  They remember birthdays, anniversaries, significant doctors' appointments, children's performances, things you said you needed or wanted ...  It is a special kind of thoughtfulness.

I was reminded of it this morning because I have a very sweet friend who remembers people I have asked her to pray for.  What a gift!  And this morning we needed to pray for a friend, and, of course, she did.  My prayerful friend has kept track of my other friend's needs -- even though she doesn't know who my friend is.  And in so doing, she has been incredibly kind to me.

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