Friday, August 2, 2013

The Kindness of Taking Turns

"Kindness is tenderness.  Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love.  Kindness is good will, kindness says, 'I want you to be happy.'"
Randolph Ray

There was so much to learn at violin camp, which ended this evening with a terrific concert.  As I have shared, kindnesses abounded.

Yet another lesson for me was the kindness of taking turns.  I had several teachers in class sing or say, "my turn now" as they demonstrated something on the violin.  It was their way of reminding the students to pay attention.  There are certain rules of etiquette in music class.  For example, you don't talk or play when the teacher is talking or demonstrating.  And, of course, you show your classmates the same courtesy.  Taking turns, and especially giving others their turn, is very important when improvising.  When you are improvising with others, you need to listen and give space to them.  It's about paying attention and then being thoughtful with your response.

The kindness of giving others their turn is important in nearly all life situations.  Think of conversations, making decisions ... It's a basic playground rule, but as life gets complicated and we get older, we sometimes muddle things up.  By giving someone their turn, we are saying that they matter to us and that we care about what they have to say or what they want to do.

Maybe it was being with so many children this week and observing their uncomplicated ways that reminded me of such a basic kindness.  But whatever the reason, I am glad for the lesson.

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