Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kindness in a Word

"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."
Mother Teresa

A couple of days ago, I was communicating via e-mail with someone I didn't know who was helping me with travel arrangements for a business trip.  I noticed that she closed her e-mail with "Smiles" (instead of Regards or Best as many people write above their names).  Wow, I thought, pretty neat.  Her sign-off had the same impact as someone sharing a smile in person.  I instinctively smiled as I read it. 

I wrote her back to say that I loved her sign-off.  She thanked me for my "kind words" and shared the following:  "My mother was a German/English farm wife who had the happiest heart in the world.  She saw her small world, and all who were in it, as beautiful. She sang as she went about her life of 88 years, whether gardening, baking bread, making quilts from outgrown clothing or cleaning our 15-room farm house; she lived those years with love and it spilled over onto all who knew her.  Such a legacy to leave behind as she walked her way to Glory!"

With her unique sign-off, this woman reflected her mother's happy heart and shared it with others, including a business contact across cyberspace.  Her "smiles" opened the door for me to get to know her a little better and to be inspired by her and her mother.  The description of her mother not only was beautiful and touching, but also made me think about how I live and what I might want to leave behind.  One word, a smile across cyberspace -- a reflection of love and kindness.

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