Friday, September 20, 2013

An Opportunity to Pay It Forward

"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.
― Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Having been away on business for a couple of days, I feel very indebted to my mom friends who pitched in to make my three-ring circus run as smoothly as possible.  I was wondering how to pay them back this morning when an opportunity arrived via e-mail.

Today we were celebrating my son's teacher's birthday at school, and the Room Mothers had asked all the moms to send in a flower with each child to make a bouquet for the teacher.  A mother in the class (who has five children!) e-mailed me to thank me for the reminder and to say how sorry she was that she had forgotten, but she was out of town on a college visit with her older children.  She wrote that she wanted to cry because her son would be so upset about not having a flower.  I wrote back to tell her that as I was taking a cake to school for the teacher, I also would take a flower to give to her son, so that he could give it to his teacher.  At school, I gave a small bunch of flowers to her little boy and told him that his mother sent these for him to give to his teacher.  I took a photo of the little boy and the teacher with the flowers, and e-mailed it to the mother.  She wrote back, "I owe you."  Not at all.  I was actually thrilled to do it.  She gave me an opportunity to pay forward -- in a very small way -- the many kindnesses that I had just been blessed with while I was away.

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