Monday, September 9, 2013

Kindness Credit in the Bank

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
― Helen Keller

There are some people who perform acts of kindness that stay with you for a long time.  These acts of kindness can be like credit in the friendship bank.

A good friend of mine from college celebrated her birthday over the weekend.  Unfortunately, she lives in another state and I could not celebrate with her in person, but I called her and texted her, and thought about her often on her day. 

Thinking about this friend always makes me smile.  I have known her since college, but we have become much closer in the last couple of years.  And we roomed together during a recent college reunion, which I only attended thanks to her prodding.  What is it about some people that generates such good feelings, I wondered as I thought about her?

This friend is uncomplicated and down to earth.  She has an easy smile and always has something nice to say.  She is very good about staying in touch and encouraging her friends.  And then there is the above and beyond:  About a year ago, I accompanied a family member to a funeral in New Jersey, where this friend lives.  I was going to be there about a day and a half, and busy with the wake and funeral.  This friend of mine drove more than an hour to the funeral home and then joined me for a dinner at the home of one of the family members of the person who had died.  My friend navigated her way through introductions and expressions of condolences, all the while with her characteristic smile and friendly manner.  She was with me during a difficult time.  And in just being with me, she made things so much easier for me.  The difficult time was lightened by her presence. 

There are some deposits of kindness in the friendship bank that are so huge that you can just live off the interest.

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