Friday, December 20, 2013

Celebrating Kindness and Blessings

"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another."
George Eliot

For the past couple of days, I have known what I would write about today.  My son was receiving the Peacemaker Award at his school for the virtue of Kindness!  He received the award this morning and the citation included recognition for his random acts of kindness in the classroom.  Needless to say, not only was I very proud of him, but also I felt that every so often what we as parents emphasize might just sink in.

And then life happens...  While I was in the school's church watching my son receive his award, my daughter's school was calling because she had fallen in the playground and received a gash on her chin, which the school nurse felt needed medical attention.  I get very nervous with these things, but angels appeared...  I ran into one as I was leaving the school and asked her advice on pediatrician vs hospital or urgent care center.  As I drove to the school in a bit of panic, another mom friend calmed me down and helped me figure out what I was going to do next as there was quite a bit of juggling to be done.  On the staff of a local hospital, my brother was a tremendous source of support, spoke to the school nurse and then called ahead to the urgent care center, so that they saw us as soon as we arrived.  Thank goodness, they literally glued my daughter together and we were soon on our way to a small outing we had had planned.

Later today, I came home to find a lovely card in the mail from a dear friend and my favorite cake dropped off by another special friend.  Despite the madness, I feel an abundance of kindness and I feel blessed.

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