Saturday, December 21, 2013

Kindness and Mani-Pedis

"The heart grows with each act of kindness."
―Rita Said

For many women, getting a manicure-pedicure is a treat.  (For some, of course, it is a must.)  Two friends, both eager to work in mani-pedis before Christmas Eve next Tuesday, were not having much luck scheduling theirs.  One of the friends had been calling her regular salon for a couple of weeks, but could never get an appointment that worked for her.  Earlier today, the second friend called the first to ask if she remembered the name of a salon the two had once tried.  In the middle of some last-minute shopping, the first friend said that she didn't, but that she would look in her purse for the salon's card.  The first friend looked for the card, but didn't find it, so (without telling her friend) she drove by the salon to get the name and the number.  Parked outside the salon, she called her friend to give her the information.  The second friend was on her way to an event with her family, so the first friend offered to make the appointment.  In making the appointment, the first friend learned that this salon would be open on Monday, so she called her regular salon to ask if by any chance it would be open on Monday.  Yes came the reply and they had a spot, so she finally made an appointment to get her nails done.  A few minutes later as the first friend was looking through her purse, she found the card from the salon.  She smiled...  Had she found the card when she had first looked, she would have texted her friend the name and telephone of the salon and that would have been that.  But because she drove by the salon and offered to make the appointment for her friend, she found out about salons' being open on Monday and she was able to finally get the coveted mani-pedi appointment.  Ah, kindness leads to a double mission accomplished.

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