Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kindness in the News

"The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward."
― Carol Ryrie Brink

There was a lovely story in the news yesterday about a man in Houston who  paid anonymously for 10 people's groceries.  He told the employees at the store that he wanted to pay for the groceries of the next 10 people in line as an act of kindness.  He paid in cash, so no one knew his name.  The recipients of his kindness were stunned and one woman initially had a hard time accepting it because she felt she already had so much.

"So it made me realize that probably the message that he is trying to give is that it doesn't need to be somebody who has financial need," she said.  "We all just need to stop and take a breath and be kind to everybody, not just at Thanksgiving, but every day."

I was thrilled to see kindness in the news!

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