Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kindness and Impacting Others

"A young child is a leader to an elderly person once his purpose has a faithful, sincere and trustworthy influence on people.  Leadership is not restricted to position and age; it is self-made and influential.  Everyone has this self-leadership quality."
― Israelmore Ayivor

The other day, I waited in the car while one of my children went to buy some sandwiches at a local boulangerie.  As she was entering the shop, my daughter held the door open for an older gentleman.  This place sometimes uses a number system and sometimes not, so my daughter did not take a number.  But on this particular day, the number system was being used.  A couple of minutes later, the gentleman walked over to my daughter and gave her a number.  "Thank you for holding the door for me," he said.  My daughter was happy to recount her kindness story when she returned to the car.

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