Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kindness Gives Way to More Kindness

"Kindness begets kindness evermore."
― Sophocles

A woman I know travels for business -- not very often, but enough.  In one city to where she travels, she is fond of a particular hotel -- mostly for the yoga mats and M&Ms in every room.  As arrangements were being made for a recent trip, she was told by her office that there was no room at her favorite hotel and that she would have to stay at another one, which she specifically did not like after a negative experience there.  She decided to reach out to Vernon, the front desk manager at her preferred hotel, who had been very kind to her on a previous visit.  He immediately responded that he had a room for her.  When she advised her office, a colleague asked her if she could try to negotiate two additional rooms -- including one for her boss, who also is partial to the hotel.  Once again, she wrote to Vernon, who came through! 

As a small thank you for his kindness, the woman I know bought some treats for Vernon, including his favorite candy (which she learned about from one of his employees).  He wrote her a very thoughtful e-mail, which could not have been more effusive if she had given him a bottle of champagne.

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