Sunday, July 10, 2016

Kindness and Rain Boots

"Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one's voice."
~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

A few months ago, I traveled overseas with one of my children on a school trip.  I came back with a pair of ankle-high rain boots.  They are light pink and lavender and have shapes that are vaguely reminiscent of hearts.  I didn't intend to return with rain boots.  But it was raining where we were and one of the teachers on the trip had gotten a pair, and decided that I should have some, too.  The teacher took me to a store that I can best liken to an old five-and-ten.  We climbed up stairs to a second floor where there were all kinds of rain boots in boxes, and we so dug through trying to find the right size, which had nothing to do with the numbers on the boxes.  There was nowhere to sit, so I would try on a boot standing up and then the teacher would yank it off my foot as we continued trying on different ones.  The whole effort made me laugh, but I greatly appreciated the teacher's insistence as I left the store wearing my new rain boots and quite comfortably walking through puddles.  Every time I see the rain boots, I chuckle thinking of the adventure and grateful for the teacher's thoughtfulness.

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