Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Kindness of Unexpected Deplaning Assistance

"The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street."
~ Robert Doisneau

I have a close relative who swears that she has never stowed her rollerboard in a plane's overhead compartment.  She says that invariably someone offers to hoist it up for her.  Very attractive, always elegantly dressed and now in her 70s, it is easy to imagine someone helping her and impossible to fathom her lifting a bag.  With me, it's about 50-50.  Sometimes, either the person behind me or someone sitting close by (nearly always men) will ask me if I need help.  Depending on where I am in the process, I may or may not accept.  And the same is true once we land.  The other day after my flight landed, there was the usual scramble to grab bags and exit the plane.  I glanced at my rollerboard and realized it was just behind my seat and out of reach.  A woman who was standing in the aisle next to me noticed my looking at the bag and asked me if it was mine.  Yes, I replied and then she said she would get it for me.  I told her not to because it was heavy, but she shrugged me off and retrieved my bag. 

While this unexpected assistance may not at first blush seem terribly exciting,  I do marvel at all the unexpected kindnesses that touch my life.

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